Internal Audits

Internal Audits

This kind of audit is specifically designed to enhance a firms functioning. It assists an institution in achieving its goals by ushering a methodical system to inspect and better the efficiency of risk evaluation and management. It has a widened scope within an organisation and may incorporate spheres like effective functioning, accuracy of financial collaterals, inspecting and discouraging frauds, protecting assets, and productive usage of the company resources that is in agreement with the company’s rules.


AGN Associates is specialized in Internal/Management Audits which are primarily conducted in order to provide the client’s management a clear, comprehensive and unbiased analysis of the functional efficiency of the organization and to suggest possible areas for improvements. We strongly believe in Internal Audits being a value addition exercise rather than a mere compliance exercise.


AGN Associates firmly believes in providing value added services through highest levels of professional competency and integrity to its clients. Our Internal Audit services are designed to suit the individual client specific needs. It provides assistance to clients in managing their key business concerns, be it achieving strategic business goals, meeting operational challenges, complying with regulatory norms or managing reporting requirements.


Our Services Includes

  • Compliance with management controls
  • System and process improvements
  • Due diligence for acquisitions and investments
  • Deputation of personnel to strengthen the internal audit function of client organization
  • Conducting operational audits through review of business operations, activities, etc